FTP based Firmware Upgrade Instructions

To perform a ftp based firmware upgrade, first download the latest fimage from the firmware download area to your local pc computer. The examples below assume a computer running Windows, but the commands will be similar on any OS. The examples below assume a folder on the C:\ drive called SRMS that contains the firmware that you would like to upload to your SRMS board.

Open a Dos Box or Command Prompt box and change to the SRMS directory, then type out dir and then press Enter:

Log into your SRMS board with the ftp command. The example below uses the default SRMS ip address

Next type out   put fimage-xxxx flash_all   (where xxxx is the firmware build number), then press Enter. The SRMS unit will now start its firmware upgrade procedure. You should see similar output to the screen shots below.

NOTE:   flash_all   is a Level 2 firmware upgrade, enter only   flash   for a level 1 upgrade.

At this point the read-only partition (cramfs) that contains the Linux Kernel has been erased. The new Linux Kernel partition is about to be written.

At this point the new Linux Kernel partition has been written to flash. The read-write partition (jffs2) is about to be erased.

At this point the jffs2 partition has been erased and is about to be flashed with the new partition.

When the firmware programming is complete, the SRMS board will reboot with the new firmware image. At this point you may configure the SRMS board, DNS settings, upload your data base, add scripts etc.